PADI Altitude Diver
leer PADI Altitude Diver

Want to dive high?

Any time you’re diving at 300 to 3000 metres above sea level (like in most of our lakes), you're altitude diving. If you want to explore the hidden world of a mountain lake, the PADI Altitude Diver Specialty course is for you. The PADI Altitude Diver Specialty course familiarizes you with the rules and procedures necessary for altitude diving, including how to use the Recreational Dive Planner at altitude.

The curriculum contains:

  • Altitude dive planning, organization, procedures, techniques, problems and hazards
  • Recreational Dive Planner procedures for diving at altitude
  • Safety stops and emergency decompression procedures at altitude
  • Special equipment necessary for altitude diving

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Course materials

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The course consists of theory lessons and two trainig dives. Tanks, weights and air are provided. A drysuit is not required but strongly recommended

Certified divers get a PADI "Altitude Diver" Brevet.

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